
Large Shogi Variants Cup 2006

standing dec 3rd 2006, invitation read here

This tournament/cup is designed to promote the large Shogi Variants (Wa, Dai, DaiDai, MakaDaiDai, Tenjiku und Tai) and especially Chu Shogi. You receive points for any game played in 2006. The players who have most points reached by the end of 2006 get prizes.


Large Shogi Variant Cup 2006  Stand: 3.Dez 2006   
Stand: 3. Dez. 06   total Chu
Tenjiku Dai Dai
1 Günther Mensching 252 16 10 3 2
2 Michael Hofmann 169 14 5 2 1
3 Peter Hingley 100 12   3 1
4 Marc Marian 73 9 1    
5 Sven Korsner 25 4      
6 Aleander Rossmanith 20 3      
6 Omata san 20 3      
8 Okano san 15 3      
9 Jörg Sobel 5 1      
9 Roman Grabowski 5 1      

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